5 tips
1. Flexible planning
Be flexible in both strategic and operational planning when you set your goals for 2024. It’s important to understand the current market and be aware of changes. Don’t set unrealistic goals when you are planning and keep your organisation informed when you make any plan changes.
2. Allocate the appropriate revenues and costs at department level
To be able to have a successful plan you need to set a budget for the coming year. It’s not all about saving money but also the correct allocation to the correct departments or divisions. Make sure that your departments or divisions understands their allocations and any tops down allocation adjustment.
3. Forecasting during hard times
It’s difficult to predict the future when the world is changeable. Living in uncertainty makes it almost impossible to assume anything. By forecasting for different scenarios, you can update the budget and forecast as needed.
4. Don’t plan, budget & forecast in spreadsheets
It’s very common for organizations to plan, budget and forecast in spreadsheets, even though there are some disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages you might face are; it’s time consuming, no collaboration, spreadsheets are inherently error-prone and involve a lot of manual work. Read our eBook Mastering spreadsheets for more tips.
5. Plan, budget and forecast in a budgeting software solution
By investing in a budgeting software solution, you will be able to plan, budget and forecast in one single solution. It’s easy to set goals, plan for future scenarios and collaborate across different departments or divisions. Monitor all your planning, budgeting and forecasting in real-time.